HSWMS Carlskrona Conducts Medical Evacuation

Training & Education

HSWMS Carlskrona Conducts Medical Evacuation

Earlier last week HSwMS Carlskrona was contacted by the EU Naval Force (EU NAVFOR) Force Commander on board the flagship of the operation the Portuguese warship NRP Álvares Cabral. A member of the ships company of the British Royal Fleet Auxiliary (RFA) replenishment ship Fort Victoria, had suffered urgent and severe abdominal pains, necessitating an immediate medical evacuation.

HSwMS Carlskrona, participating in Operation Atalanta, was fortunately in the vicinity of RFA Fort Victoria. Carlskrona’s helicopter was soon airborne and picked up the person in question. The patient had quickly fallen ill with serious symptoms that could require surgical treatment. After landing, he was brought to the medical department on board HSwMS Carlskrona where he was admitted to the emergency room for medical examination and treatment. His condition was closely monitored and improved gradually. In the morning the medical team could see that, this time, they were able to cure the condition without surgery, which is not always possible.

HSwMS Carlskrona, with her Role 2 LM advanced medical capability, has the capacity to treat cases like this in the same way that is offered in civilian emergency hospitals. This time, surgery was not required, although the option of doing so in case the need should arise was available.

“The success of this case has confirmed that our planning, exercises and resources have enabled us to perform well in a surgical emergency situation”, said the Senior Medical Officer on board, Åke Karlbom after the incident. The condition of the patient has now considerably improved and the Senior Medical Officer assesses that he may be discharged tomorrow for transport back to his ship.

This event highlights the excellent capability that HSwMS Carlskrona brings to EU NAVFOR Operation Atalanta and to the wider area of operations. Ships in the region share details of there medical capability and can respond to emergencies from all the multi-national forces and civilian shipping within the busy region.

Press Release, May 6, 2013; Image: EU Navfor