Major Overhaul for Dutch Navy’s HNLMS Zeeleeuw Sub


Major Overhaul for Dutch Navy's HNLMS Zeeleeuw Sub

Dutch Navy’s submarine HNLMS Zeeleeuw is undergoing a major renovation. This sustainment project for the Walrus class of submarines will improve the worldwide deployability of the Netherlands’ four submarines with regard to conducting various missions, countering piracy being on the top of the list.

Life-extending maintenance will bring these submarines, which were commissioned in the early 1990s, completely up-to-date. They will undergo a major revamp both on the outside and on the inside of the vessels, which will make the submarine fleet fit for service until at least 2015.

The four most important modifications are:

  • optronic mast;
  • modernised sonar;
  • improved satellite communication;
  • operational software (modern combat management system).

The renovation will be carried out by the Naval Maintenance and Sustainment Organisation in Den Helder. The total cost will amount to €94 million and the Zeeleeuw will have been fully modified by 2015.

Press Release, May 23, 2013; Image: Dutch Navy