US Navy Officials Mark Opening of San Diego Fuel Facility


The U.S. Navy officials celebrated the opening of a $195 million Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) funded, state of the art fuel facility with a ribbon cutting ceremony May 13 for the Defense Fuel Support Point (DFSP) at Naval Base Point Loma in San Diego.

The official party for the ribbon cutting ceremony was represented by Naval Supply Systems Command Commander Rear Adm. Mark Heinrich, Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Commander Rear Adm. Kate Gregory, Navy Region Southwest (NRSW) Commander Rear Adm. Dixon Smith, and NAVSUP Global Logistics Support Commander Rear Adm. Jon Yuen.

 “The awesome collaborative efforts of DLA, NAVFAC, NAVSUP, and contractor employees has provided a recapitalized one million barrel fuel distribution system at Naval Base Point Loma that will service the fleet in the Southwestern United States for decades to come,” said Cmdr. Tim Rogers, NAVFAC Southwest Public Works Officer for Naval Base Point Loma. “The work was done safely, no lost time incidents, on time, and with the highest quality.”

Nova Group, Incorporated – Underground Construction Co., Incorporated, a joint venture from Napa, Calif. was the prime contractor. NAVFAC Southwest managed the construction project known as P-401.

The new facility is the largest fuel facility ever undertaken by DLA to replace a pre-World World II fuel storage facility. The old facility was built between 1917 and 1954.

The five year construction project replaced the aging 200 acre DOD fuel infrastructure of 54 above and underground tanks, three pumping stations, fuel oil reclamation (FOR) plant, truck loading and unloading stations, and deep-draft fueling pier with a state of the art and largest single fuel handing facility in the Navy. The new 40 acre facility has a one million barrel capacity with eight above ground storage tanks, multiple product truck loads and unload facility, FOR buildings and tanks, lube oil storage and transfer building and tanks, control tower, pump house, and storm water controls.

 “The collective mission of P-401 is to safely construct a complete and modernized fueling facility to meet the mission critical requirements at the largest defense fuel terminal on the West Coast, while maintaining the existing operating fuel facility to support the fleet,” said Tracy Addis, NAVFAC Southwest fuel facility construction manager. “P-401 is the culmination of an ongoing partnering effort which has successfully completed over 1,100 no lost time safe days, while providing an outstanding quality project within budget and ahead of schedule.”

A goal of the construction project was to utilize recycled materials during construction and build a green facility. More than 95 percent of demolition debris was re-utilized for construction. Reusing demolition debris eliminated about 1,870 truck transits through a highly congested and narrow urban roadway.

The facility was designed to conserve energy and water and reduce waste and emissions. The facility has applied for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Certified. LEED Certified is the lowest of four standards established by the United States Green Building Council that measures sustainability by describing how well the design and construction process reduces life cycle costs, conserves natural resources, and enhances the quality of work life for its occupants. The certification would make it the first DOD fuel facility to receive LEED certification.

 “Teamwork is the fuel that allows each organization involved to achieve this super-ordinate goal,” said Addis.

Press Release, May 24, 2013