USA: MCPON’s Memorial Day Message


MCPON's Memorial Day Message

Shipmates and Navy Families,

Memorial Day is a time for Americans to reconnect with our history and core values by honoring those who gave their lives for the ideals we cherish. It is vital to recall how much was given to allow us the enjoyment of each day in freedom.

I encourage each of you in uniform and the dedicated families who stand beside you to take a well-deserved sense of honor in your own faithful service. Reflect and be proud, the dedication and commitment you display daily is a continued legacy to the men and women who gave their last breath defending the ideas and values that our nation holds close. From supporting homeland defense and deployments downrange with ground forces to participation in disaster response and months underway on ships, your role in every diverse aspect of our Navy’s mission is vitally important. We must never forget those things or ever take them for granted because it is patriots like you who will make us better through the next 237 years.

Theresa and I would like to give our heartfelt gratitude for your dedication, strength and support. We wish you all the best.

May God richly bless each of you, our nation, and our Navy.


Very Respectfully,

Press Release, May 27, 2013; Image: US Navy