VIDEO: A Glimpse of Life on Board HMS Sutherland during Deployment

Training & Education

A Glimpse of Life On-Board HMS Sutherland during Deployment

For the crew of a ship like type 23 frigate of the Royal Navy, HMS Sutherland, keeping the bad guys away from the busy shipping lines is taken as part of every-day job activities.

Fending off pirate attacks and safeguarding cargo ships while at the same time providing assistance to those trapped at sea falls within the job description.

During HMS Sutherland’s last deployment off the Horn of Africa,  the warship was engaged in conducting anti-piracy and terrorism patrols, boarding operations on suspect vessels along with reassurance visits to build relationships with mariners and obtain information on pattern of life in the area. The crew also exercised with coalition and allied forces in the region to strengthen ties and improve methods of working together.

The following video, brings a time-line of those very activities on board during the aforementioned deployment:

Having  returned last December, HMS Sutherland has been subjected to a period of maintenance. This was followed by, HMS Sutherland participation in  giant exercise off the coast of Scotland which involved more than 30 warships and 65 aircraft from 13 European countries the Exercise Joint Warrior.

Press Release, June 13, 2013; Image: Royal Navy