UEMS Wins SubTASS Contract for Canadian Navy Subs

Equipment & technology

HMCS Victoria transits in vicinity of Esquimalt

Ultra Electronics Maritime Systems Inc (UEMS) announced a contract award by Public Works and Government Services Canada to manufacture four Submarine Towed Array Sonar System ( SubTASS ) arrays for the Royal Canadian Navy’s VICTORIA class submarines.

The SubTASS arrays were developed by UEMS and are manufactured in its facilities in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. UEMS’ SubTASS arrays are an essential component of the VICTORIA class sensor suite and allow the submarine s to covertly detect and track surface and sub – surface contacts.

Ken Walker, President of UEMS, states: “ The award of this contract is significant on several fronts. Not only does it allow us to continue to recruit and retain the best and brightest minds out there, but it also reinforces the fact that a company like Ultra Electronics can design, develop and produce world beating technology, right here in Canada. We, as a company, are looking forward and are honored to have the RCN as a customer.”

Press Release, June 20, 2013; Image: Canadian Navy