Australian Navy’s Eighty-Five Officers Graduated Initial Training

Training & Education

Australian Navy's Eighty-five Officers Graduated Initial Training

Eighty-five naval officers graduated initial training today during a formal passing out parade for New Entry Officer Course 48 at the Royal Australian Naval College, HMAS Creswell.

Chief of Navy, Vice Admiral Ray Griggs, AO, CSC, RAN, reviewed the parade, which was the culmination of 20 weeks’ training in leadership, communication and naval disciplines.

The 20 women and 65 men shared the centuries-old Naval ceremony with friends and family, marking their achievements so far, before proceeding to specialist training.

Commanding Officer of Creswell, Captain Brett Chandler, Navy’s head of initial training for officers and sailors said the biannual parade was a tradition but more importantly a step towards Navy’s future.

“This is a significant day for the individuals and Navy—the men and women graduating today will go on to serve in roles as professional mariners, aviators, engineers, logisticians and dentists.

“The skills they have learnt at Creswell will serve them well, as they in turn serve as officers in the Royal Australian Navy.”

HMAS Creswell, situated on the shores of Jervis Bay, was first utilised for naval officer training almost a century ago and conducts initial training for reserve and full-time officers, and ongoing professional development for officers and Senior Sailors.

Midshipman Timothy Bell, a member of the graduating class, said that the training had many challenges, and he was looking forward to his future career.

“I can’t wait to get out into the fleet and put all my training into practice”, he said.

Navy’s New Entry Officers’ Courses are run twice annually, training up to 200 officers.

Press Release, June 21, 2013; Image: Australian Navy