HMS Defender Gives a Taste of Life at Sea to Crew’s Family and Friends

Training & Education

HMS Defender Gives a Taste of Life at Sea to Crew's Family and Friends

HMS Defender took families and friends to sea for the first time recently, showing off the ship and giving family members the chance to see what life is like at sea for their serving relations.

The day included escorting HMS Edinburgh into harbour for the last time before she was decommissioned, full manoeuvrability and fire fighting demonstrations as well as tours of this state of the art ship.

There were also activities for the younger sailor, the highlight of which was the chance to become the Bosun’s Mate, or in other words, the chance to ‘drive’ an 8000 ton warship at full speed!

Leading Seaman Andrew Clough took his son Bradley (aged 6) to the bridge and gave him the wheel. Andrew said:

“Bradley really enjoyed his time in the chair.

“It’s a job I’ve done many times before, so for me it was really fun to be able to show him one of the things his Dad does for a living.

“He has already said he wants to join the Navy too!”

HMS Defender Gives a Taste of Life at Sea to Crew's Family and Friends1

Lt Matt Bray RN, who organised the day’s activities, said:

“The Ship’s Company rely so heavily on the support of their families and friends throughout the year, whether we’re in UK waters or deployed on operations around the world protecting the nation’s interests.

“Days like today are a fantastic opportunity to repay our loved ones by treating them to an exciting day at sea, and give them a little taste of what it is we get up to when we’re away from home.”

Press Release, June 24, 2013; Image: Royal Navy