HMS Diamond Gears Up for Basic Operational Sea Training

Training & Education

HMS Diamond Gears Up for Basic Operational Sea Training

Portsmouth based HMS Diamond has arrived at Devonport ready for her Basic Operational Sea Training (BOST).

Having spent most of May and June taking part in multinational exercises, the Type 45 destroyer has commenced her first period of formal assessed sea training in over a year.

Since she was last under the guidance of Flag Officer Sea Training in May 2012, Diamond has been in the Middle East for six months as part of the multinational Combined Maritime Force conducting security operations at sea.

Upon her return she underwent routine maintenance before participating in a sequence of exercises both for her own training benefit as well as acting as a platform to instruct others.

Along with the high pace of activity that the ship has maintained there has also been a steady change of personnel throughout, meaning more Royal Navy personnel gain experience in one of the new destroyers.

Commander Andy Ingham, who took Command of Diamond in February 2013, said:

“Following her successful deployment last year, Diamond has continued to operate as a highly efficient and capable unit and has fulfilled her tasking over the last three months.

“Yet with new people in key positions there is obviously the need to ensure everyone is trained to the necessary standard.

“While everyone has gained a lot of experience, this period will be important to establish the high standards required for the new team that have inherited responsibility for this capable warfighting unit.”

HMS Diamond will return again to FOST later in the year for its Directed Continuation Training, after which she will be ready for operations in 2014.

Press Release, July 8, 2013; Image: Royal Navy