Japanese Officers Witness First Class Training of UK’s Naval Staff

Training & Education

Japanese Officers Witness First Class Training of UK's Naval Staff

90 Young Officers from the Japanese Training Squadron, on-board three Japanese Ships currently alongside in Portsmouth Harbour visited the Maritime Warfare School, HMS Collingwood and the School of Marine Engineering, HMS Sultan during the afternoons of Tue 23 Jul and Wed 24 Jul 13.

The purpose of the visit was to witness the first class training delivered to Royal Naval personnel of the Weapon Engineering and Warfare Specialisations, at the Fareham base and Marine and Air Engineering at the Gosport Base.

Dividing into two groups, 45 Young Officers spent the afternoons receiving comprehensive briefs and tours of the training facilities which included:

  •  Maritime Composite Training Systems, where they also witnessed training,
  • 4.5 gun where personnel gave them a display of passing rounds through the gun
  • Close Range Training Section where they were all given the opportunity to experience the General Purpose Machine Gun (GPMG) simulator – all at HMS Collingwood and:
  • Type 23 and 45 platform management simulators
  • Gas turbines, and outboard motor workshops
  • Wind Tunnel to explore the aerodynamics of equipment
  • Sea survival equipment- trying out liferafts and lifejackets
  • A tour of 760/764 Sqdn Stephenson Hangar where trainees learn vital helicopter maintenance skills needed for service in the front line-all at HMS Sultan

Japanese Young Officer Lieutenant Takashi Matsunaga, 24, said of the Collingwood tour:

“We have enjoyed it, it was a great pleasure to come here. You have more technology and we are very impressed with the gun simulator.”

Of the HMS Sultan tour he said:

“Everyone we have met this afternoon has been very kind. All 4 of the areas we have visited have been very good.”

Lieutenant Jim Moseley Royal Navy Visit Liaison Officer for HMS Sultan said:

“It has been a real honour for me to be involved with hosting the Japanese delegates on their visit to HMS Sultan.

“Although we speak a different language to one another, there are so many similarities between us. I hope that the experience will only go further to foster closer relations between us in the future.”

On completion of the equipment and training tours all 90 Young Officers joined together with their Royal Navy counterparts from both establishments, for sports activities and social event.

Press Release, July 26, 2013; Image: Royal Navy