UK: HMS Sultan Hosts First Sea Lord


HMS Sultan Hosts First Sea Lord

The First Sea Lord, Admiral Sir George Zambellas KCB DSC ADC visited HMS Sultan, the Royal Navy’s home of Marine and Air Engineering training on Thursday 1 August.

As part of the visit the Admiral opened the new fitness suite within the Sports and Recreation Centre and watched some classes taking physical training.

A command brief on the establishment was followed by observing drill practice on the parade ground, a tour of The Royal Naval Air Engineering and Survival School’s 760 & 764 Training Squadron hangars where the admiral was able to board a WASP helicopter similar to those he piloted earlier in his career.

The Defence School of Marine Engineering demonstrated skills learned within the outboard motor maintenance training workshop and Watt Hangar and went on to show the Admiral the Vanguard submarine maneuvering room simulator.

Chaplaincy staff at The Haven were introduced to the First Sea Lord alongside the HMS Sultan support network, ‘The Carers Forum’, who contribute towards the care and welfare of trainees, before the Sultan Super Steam Sentinel transported the group of VIP’s from The Haven to Pillar building to see the new MT-30 gas turbine engine that will be used to train future engineers in preparation for the introduction of the Royal Navy’s new aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth.

A working lunch was provided in the wardroom, where the Admiral was able to meet personnel from across the establishment and on completion the Commanding Officer of HMS Sultan, Captain Trevor Gulley, presented him with a framed HMS Victory line drawing that had been produced entirely by the ship’s company.

On completion of the visit an impressed First Sea Lord said:

“The global authority of the modern Royal Navy owes much to the world-class training of its people – and the marine and air engineering training conducted at HMS Sultan is making a fantastic contribution towards that.

“During my visit I felt a real joining of positive ambition between Service and civilian training partners, as well as a strong sense of naval ethos percolating through all the training conducted here.

“The result is a powerful one – the equipping of our people for the demands and technology of a globally deployed and highly capable 21st century navy. And it is this sort of training which helps to give the Royal Navy its battle-winning edge.”

Press Release, August 8, 2013; Image: Royal Navy