USS Mount Whitney Makes Port Call at Theoule-sur-Mer, France



The 6th Fleet flagship USS Mount Whitney (LCC 20) arrived in Theoule-sur-Mer, France August 13 to partake in commemorative events honoring the liberation of southern France by Allied forces during World War II.

This port call marks the third consecutive year that Mount Whitney will take part in the festivities organized by the city of Theoule-sur-Mer for this celebration.

 “This is an important port visit for Mount Whitney and for the U.S. Navy,” said Capt. Craig Clapperton, Mount Whitney’s commanding officer. “This port call recognizes and celebrates the friendship and alliance between the United States and France on the anniversary of the liberation of southern France from Nazi Germany. “

While in port, Mount Whitney Sailors will join residents and city officials in several cultural events designed to pay tribute to the men and women who fought to liberate France from the occupying forces of Nazi Germany. Events scheduled include wreath laying ceremonies, town square speeches, full military honors in Draguignan and several other activities hosted by the Navy League of the United States and the city of Theoule-sur-Mer.

 “Having the opportunity to witness and take part in such momentous ceremonies will be a memorable highlight of my first time in France,” said Navy Counselor First Class Jerry Wagoner.

Aside from the events sponsored by the Navy league and Theoule-sur-Mer, the ship will host a reception on board for local dignitaries and the citizens of Theoule-sur-Mer as a ‘thank you’ for hosting Mount Whitney and her crew.

 “This port visit gives us a great opportunity to host the U.S. Ambassador to France and Monaco and the largest U.S. Navy League organization in Europe onboard the 6th Fleet flagship,” said Capt. Clapperton. “It is a fantastic opportunity for engagement for all involved, and the entire crew is very much looking forward to the week.”

Mount Whitney serves as the flagship for Commander, U.S. 6th Fleet, Vice Admiral Frank C. Pandolfe. VADM Pandolfe also serves as Commander, Striking and Support Forces NATO; Joint Force Maritime Component Commander, Naples; Deputy Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa.

Press Release, August 14, 2013; Image: US Navy