UK: Queen Elizabeth’s Crew Run around the Forth

Training & Education

Queen Elizabeth’s Crew Run Around the Forth

Seven sailors from Britain’s future aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth ran 40 miles along the banks of the Forth – including two of the bridges spanning the great river – on behalf of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity.

The run from Rosyth dockyard, where the 65,000-tonne warship – the biggest ever built for the Royal Navy – is nearing completion took place exactly 100 years to the day the only previous bearer of the name was launched.

The super-dreadnought served through both World Wars, serving extensively in the Mediterranean in both conflicts, as well as in home waters and finally in the Far East in the closing months of the war with Japan in 1945.

The run was organised by the ship’s training and development officer Lt Cdr Harvie Montgomery and the Executive Warrant Officer WO1 Dave Smith), with the runners waved off at the start by the ship’s Senior Naval Officer Capt Simon Petitt.

“The event was held to ensure that as the current ship’s company look forward to the future carrier – and the capability that she will bring to the Fleet – they also remember the proud history of their predecessor and the important role she played during World Wars 1 and 2,” said Capt Pettit.

Running in relays, it took the seven runners just seven hours to complete the 40-mile round trip: Rosyth-north shore of the Forth-across the Kincardine Bridge-along the south bank-over the famous Forth Road Bridge-back to Rosyth.

Their efforts raised £250 for RNRMC, which is the warship’s affiliated charity.

Press Release, October 23, 2013; Image: Royal Navy