ESPS Meteoro Carries Out Training With Tanzanian Navy

Training & Education

ESPS Meteoro Carries Out Training With Tanzanian Navy

Earlier this week during a port-call at Dar es Salaam the Spanish Ocean Patrol Vessel ESPS ‘Meteoro’, as part of the EU Naval Froce (EU NAVFOR) Somalia Operation Atalanta has carried out a series of trainings with personnel from the Tanzanian Navy as part of the Local Maritime Capacity Building (LMCB).

The participants were briefed by the ship’s Commanding Officer, Lt.-Cdr Juan Carlos Pérez on the Spanish Navy’s (and other European navies) contribution to the EU’s counter piracy operation Atalanta as well as in general aspects and security regulations of the planned exercises.

The practical exercise for the Tanzanian Navy personnel a (simulated) board, search and seizure operation.

This collaboration drills enhance the mutual understanding between EUNAVFOR and regional naval forces. Combined trainings contribute to operate in a coordinated way and encourage maritime security in the area.

Once the exercise was over, the ‘Meteoro’ received the visit of the Spanish Ambassador in Tanzania, Luis Manuel Cuesta, who was welcomed by the ship’s commander. After greeting the officers and non-commissioned officers he was shown around the offshore patrol boat and briefed on her capabilities and the activities carried out to date.

Press Release, November 21, 2013; Image: EU NAVFOR