HMS Bulwark Arrives in Greenwich, UK

Training & Education

HMS Bulwark Arrives in Greenwich, UK

The flagship of the Royal Navy, HMS Bulwark, has sailed into Greenwich, in support of activities for the 350th anniversary of the Royal Marines.


The 18,500 tonne Landing Platform Dock came alongside at Greenwich yesterday and now begins a packed programme of events. Her Commanding Officer, Captain Dean Bassett, said he is delighted and honoured to bring his ship to the nation’s Capital.

“I am honoured to have brought HMS Bulwark to Greenwich and the ship’s company and I are looking forward to supporting this visit and it will be a pleasure to welcome many guests onboard over the coming days.

“It is a real privilege to play a part in celebrating the achievements of the Royal Marines in their 350th year and to commemorate the critical contribution that our maritime forces played in the strategic success of D-Day.” he said.

Bulwark will remain in London until June 3 during which time her Company will take part in a series of engagement activities to mark the 350th anniversary of the Royal Marines formation.

Following her departure from London on June 3 she will travel to Southsea, Portsmouth, to take part in an amphibious beach assault that members of the public can watch from the seafront.

After that she will cross the Channel to France where international ceremonies are being held to mark the enduring spirit of the Allied Forces at D-Day.

Press Release, May 29, 2014; Image: Royal Navy