INSURV to Inspect USS Theodore Roosevelt


INSURV to Inspect USS Theodore Roosevelt

The Board of Inspection and Survey (INSURV) team will step aboard the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) to begin the inspection, June 23.


Under INSURV, the Navy inspects its ships to ensure proper function of all equipment and systems, every three to six years.

“INSURV, as tough and as thorough as it is, ultimately looks at how well we are performing. It also gives us a guide for what to look for and helps identify trends among the other ships in the fleet,” said Lt. Cmdr. Angela Lefler, INSURV coordinator aboard TR.

In 1865, Congress mandated that each ship will have a board of officials perform an inspection every three to six years to ensure all systems are functioning at the intended level.

TR invited the INSURV Assist Team onboard to evaluate the ship’s progress and provide feedback on how to move forward.

“INSURV is usually viewed as a negative process due to the amount of discrepancies and small problems identified throughout the process,” said Dan Milligan, INSURV Assist Team leader. “INSURV is a chance to create a safer work environment by taking a hard look at key systems for damage control, firefighting, emergencies and crew comfort.”

Teamwork has helped the crew prepare for the upcoming INSURV. Sailors in each department took ownership of their spaces and made sure to handle all hits and items that were wrong, said Milligan.

“I have been through 22 different INSURVs, and I can say that this ship has come a long way in a short amount of time,” said Milligan. “The individual departments have really come together and become one team to tackle all of the issues that arise.”

INSURV feedback reports help the ship improve work environments and living conditions, as well as ensure the ship is ready to defend the nation whenever called upon.

Press Release, June 05, 2014; Image: US Navy