HMS Penzance Docks in Falmouth


HMS Penzance Docks in Falmouth

The Royal UK Navy mine hunter HMS Penzance has had to dock in Falmouth for three days instead of in Cornish, because of bad weather forecasts.


As BBC reports, this means that the ship will not be open to the public, but planned tours for local schools and sea cadets from Penzance would still go ahead on Saturday.

BBC quoted Lt Cdr Nicholas Unwin as saying: “It is hugely disappointing that the weather conditions have prevented me from bringing the ship into the heart of Penzance.

“But the ship’s company and I know we will still be able to reaffirm our strong links between the town and the ship while berthing in Falmouth.”

HMS Penzance was supposed to sail into Penzance Harbour on Friday 6 June and be open to visitors on Saturday 7 June.

Naval Today Staff, June 06, 2014; Image: UK Navy