Romania, US Navy Discuss Common Exercises


Romania, US Navy Discuss Common Exercises

The complexity of the exercises conducted in common by the Romanian and US naval forces will increase the training and interoperability level. This is the conclusion reached by Romanian defence minister Mircea Duşa and the US Navy Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus during the official talks they had on Wednesday, June 11.


During the meeting, defence minister emphasized the importance of the Strategic Partnership between the two countries in the military field by reiterating the need to continue conducting the common exercises between the two naval forces.

In his turn, the US Navy Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus appreciated the increased level of bilateral cooperation between the two states and expressed his conviction that new opportunities for project development will be identified in the future, Romania demonstrating that it is a trustworthy partner the USA can rely on.

The US Navy Secretary of the Navy also met with the Chief of General Staff, Lieutenant General Ştefan Dănilă and with the Chief of Naval Forces Staff, Rear admiral Alexandru Mîrşu.

Press Release, June 12, 2014; Image: US DoD