SNMCMG2 NATO Ships Pay Visit to Constanta


SNMCMG2 NATO Ships Pay Visit to Constanta

The four NATO ships assigned to Standing NATO Mine Counter-Measures Group TWO (SNMCMG2) have arrived in Constanta, Romania, for a scheduled port visit.


SNMCMG2 is visiting the port as part of the Group’s scheduled deployment to the Black Sea to enhance maritime security and NATO’s readiness in the region. The Group’s recent activities include support to NATO’s counter-terrorism Operation ACTIVE ENDEAVOUR in the Mediterranean.

Led by Captain Giovanni Piegaja (ITA N), SNMCMG2 is currently composed of the Italian frigate ITS AVIERE (flagship), the Italian minehunter ITS RIMINI, the Royal Navy minehunter HMS CHIDDINGFOLD (UK) and Turkish minehunter TCG AKÇAY.

During its Black Sea deployment, SNMCMG2 has participated in Exercise BREEZE 2014 and previously visited the port of Burgas, Bulgaria. Captain Piegaja took command of the Group June 19, during a ceremony in Catania, Italy.

During the port visit, NATO Allied Maritime Command Deputy Chief of Staff for Plans, Commodore Dan MacKeigan, and Captain Piegaja will visit with Romanian Navy leadership and local officials.


Press Release, July 21, 2014; Image: NATO