First NATO Ship Arrives to Cardiff Docks


First NATO Ship Arrives to Cardiff Docks

Under a blanket of police security and the watchful eyes of the crews of the two escorting RN P2000 craft, HMS Biter and HMS Express, the Latvian Navy’s Tripartite-class minehunter Viesturs, sailed into Cardiff Docks.


The first of six warships, she will be joined over the next two days by ships from the UK (HMS Duncan – Type 45 Destroyer), France (La Motte-Picquet – Anti Submarine Frigate), Norway (HNoMS SKUDD – Corvette), Germany (LKL Kursis – Minehunter) and the Netherlands (HNLMS URK – Minesweeper) to form the maritime backdrop to the Cardiff NATO Summit.

The Tripartite-class minehunter, conceived in the 1970s and built in the 1980s, was a joint venture of the French, Belgian and Netherlands navies.

The French built the minehunting equipment, the Belgians provided the electronics and the Netherlands constructed the propulsion system.

Press Release, September 03, 2014; Image: UK Navy