USS Carter Hall Visits Namesake


USS Carter Hall Visits Namesake

USS Carter Hall (LSD 50) Sailors recently visited the ship’s namesake, to take part in a community relations (COMREL) project there.


The trip to the Carter Hall Estate in Millwood, Va. enabled the crew to complete important preservation efforts, enhance public awareness and a greater understanding of the U.S. Navy through their connection with the ship’s namesake.

The Carter Hall building, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, was the family estate of prominent Virginian Carter Burwell and was used as headquarters for Stonewall Jackson during the Civil War.

Today the estate functions as a conference center owned and operated by the non-profit organization Project HOPE (Health Opportunities for People Everywhere).

The COMREL project concluded with a recognition ceremony during which Command Master Chief Donald Harris presented their hosts a ship’s plaque.

Press Release, September 08, 2014; Image: US Navy