Australian Navy Joins Ocsober


Australian Navy Joins Ocsober

The Royal Australian Navy’s participation in Ocsober was officially launched today with a 24-hour swimming event in Canberra.


Ocsober is an initiative of Life Education Australia, which provides drug and health education to Australian children.

Rear Admiral Mark Campbell, CSC, RAN, representing Chief of Navy, Vice Admiral Tim Barrett, AO, CSC, RAN at the event said the initiative closely aligned with Navy’s values.

“Educating our kids on healthy habits is vital – Ocsober raises money for this important task through Life Education,” RADM Campbell said.

“This year’s theme of ‘will power’ is all about self-discipline – setting challenges for yourself and achieving them in the interests of a healthier lifestyle.

“Being healthy is fundamental to the business of the Royal Australian Navy and our ability to fight and win–and this is why this campaign is one I wholeheartedly support,” he said.

Ocsober 2014 Ambassador, Vice Chief of the Defence Force, Vice Admiral Ray Griggs, AO, CSC, RAN, is a keen supporter of the campaign and will be swimming this year.

“It’s a great to see the Royal Australian Navy continuing to promote the goals of Life Education – as an Ocsober Ambassador I believe there is no more worthy cause than looking after your own health, and the health of our kids,” Vice Admiral Griggs said.

The official launch was held at the Australian Defence Force Academy Indoor Sports Centre, where Canberra-based Defence personnel were preparing to dive into the pool for a 24-hour team swim. The swim is just one of many events being held in ships and establishments to raise awareness and funds.

Navy members across the country will be abstaining from alcohol, getting on bikes and rowing machines, running and swimming, all in the name of a healthy lifestyle throughout October.

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Press Release, September 25, 2014; Image: Australian Government