Cayman Islands Host HMS Argyll


Royal UK Navy Warship HMS Argyll is staying at the Grand Cayman from 5 until 8 October 2014.

HMS Argyll

The Type 23 frigate is visiting Grand Cayman to strengthen relations and conduct hurricane and disaster relief planning.

HMS Argyll’s Commanding Officer, Commander Paul Hammond, said: “I am delighted to bring HMS Argyll to the Cayman Islands to reassure with our presence and to continue our strong relationship with local authorities.”

He added: “I look forward to working closely with the Governor and the government to ensure a successful and productive visit.”

HMS Argyll, the longest serving Type 23 frigate in the Royal Navy, is fitted with the new ARTISAN radar and represents the versatility and capability of a modern warship. She has recently successfully conducted Counter Narcotics Operations in the Caribbean Sea and visited Baltimore, USA, to help commemorate the 200th anniversary of the US national anthem.

During her time in Grand Cayman, HMS Argyll will host a Hurricane and Disaster Relief seminar as well as hosting local dignitaries and other groups. Her crew will be seen ashore working on local community projects and during sporting events.

HMS Argyll has deployed to the Caribbean region to provide reassurance and, if required, humanitarian aid and disaster relief support to the UK’s British Overseas Territories and other islands during the hurricane season. HMS Argyll will also conduct counter narcotics patrols to enhance regional security and deter illicit activity.

Press Release, October 06, 2014; Image: UK Navy