Spanish Navy’s Reina Sofía to Join SNMG-2


The Spanish Navy’s frigate ‘Reina Sofía’ (F-84) has just departed from Rota Naval Base towards the Mediterranean to integrate into the Second Standing NATO Maritime Group (SNMG-2) whose mission is to enhance and warrant the security in that Sea.

During her deployment in the NATO Task Group, the ‘Reina Sofía’ will call at the following foreign ports: Aksaz and Antalya (Turkey) and Alexandria (Egypt).

The SNMG-2, where another Spanish Navy frigate is also integrated (the F-102), is scheduled to participate in exercise ‘Noble Mariner 14’ in the Alborán Sea and in the Turkish manoeuvers ‘Mabi-Valina’ in Eastern Mediterranean.

The frigate’s complement is made up of a total of 212 people including the embarked Air Unit personnel for the SH-60B helicopter and a Marine Corps security squad.

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Image: Spanish Navy