Raytheon Awarded Maverick Missiles Production Deal


The U.S. Navy has awarded Raytheon Company a $49.5 million contract for production of new laser-guided Maverick missiles (AGM-65E2/L). The Navy also intends to exercise a contract option to purchase additional units bringing the total contract value to $54.9 million.

The Maverick weapon system, a U.S. Air Force (USAF)-led joint service program, is a forward firing, precision-guided, close air support missile. Maverick is effective against a wide variety of fixed, stationary, moving and maneuvering land and sea targets.

Capt. Albert Mousseau Jr., U.S. Navy program manager, PMA-242, said:

The Navy has an operational need for increasing its inventory of this lethal and combat proven weapon.

Enhanced Laser Maverick enables warfighters to engage today’s fast-moving, agile targets.

The new Laser Maverick (AGM-65E2/L) includes these enhancements:

– Digital laser seeker;
– New software that reduces the risk of collateral damage and is upgradable based on customer needs;
– Ability to precisely engage land and sea-based high speed moving targets;
– Advanced flight algorithms to boost performance in a variety of operational situations;
– Proven compatibility with existing F/A-18, AV-8B, F-16 & A-10C operational flight program integration;
– Self, buddy and ground-based lasing capability for all platforms.

Mike Jarrett, Raytheon Air Warfare Systems vice president, said:

The enhanced Laser Maverick provides the U.S. warfighter with even greater capabilities that will meet today’s and tomorrow’s threats.

This is the latest step for this impressive weapon as we continue to work to ensure that future requirements are met.

The enhanced Laser Maverick is a result of a comprehensive USAF and USN Developmental Testing/Operational Testing program that was completed in 2011.

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Press release, Image: Raytheon