NSWC Achieves CASREP Free Status


Naval Surface Warfare Center Panama City (NSWC PCD), the In-Service Engineering Agent for the AN/SLQ-48 Mine Neutralization System (MNS), achieved casualty free status in September NAVSEA reported.

Casualty free status is conferred after a system operates without the logging of an equipment deficiency or technical issue in the Fleet’s Casualty Reporting (CASREP) system. CASREP free status is a significant achievement for any system.

The AN/SLQ-48 MNS is an unmanned submersible that is used to examine, classify and identify an undersea object to determine if it is a mine. Once identified as a mine the system is capable of placing an explosive charge to destroy the mine.

This system was originally designed for the U.S. Navy’s Avenger class mine sweepers and the Osprey classes mine hunters. Although now the Navy only employs the Avenger class ships, NSWC PCD engineers support both classes as the Ospreys continue to be used by foreign allies.

Two factors led to achieving this Fleet support milestone: technical rigor and the SLQ-48 Depot located at NSWC Panama City Division.

Since the base in Panama City, Fla. was originally opened as the Mine Defense Laboratory in 1945, NSWC PCD continues to serve as the Fleet’s subject matter experts for U.S. Navy’s mine warfare mission.

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Press release, Image: US Navy