Spanish Navy’s Frigates to Engage in Active Endeavour Op


Spanish Navy’s frigates ‘Reina Sofía’ (F-84) and ‘Almirante Juan de Borbón’ (F-102), integrated into the 2nd Standing NATO Maritime Group (SNMG-2), will participate in the counter-terrorist operation ‘Active Endeavour’ (OAE) during the months of November and December.

The ‘Reina Sofía’ will participate once again in OAE after her deployment back in 2003. On the other hand, this is the second time the F-102 participates this year in OAE.

Both warships, along with the other SNMG-2 units, are scheduled to participate in operation ‘Active Endeavour’ while conducting the anti-submarine exercise ‘Mavi Balina’ hosted and organized by the Turkish Navy.

The ‘Almirante Juan de Borbón’ is a state-of-the-arts frigate purposely designed for the anti-air warfare thanks to her AEGIS combat system. The ‘Reina Sofía’ was designed for the anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare.

Each naval unit embarked an SH-60B helicopter and a Marine Corps security squad to support the ship during the deployment.

Operation ‘Active Endeavour’ is one of NATO’s responses after the September 11th attacks. Since the first deployment in October of 2001, the operation has evolved and is currently involved in detection, deterrence and protection tasks against suspicious ships likely of being engaged in terrorist-related activities.

Press release, Image: Spanish Navy