ESPS Rayo Strengthens Relationships with Local Seafarers

Training & Education

On Sunday 11 January during one of her counter-piracy patrols in the Gulf of Aden, EU Naval Force warship, ESPS Rayo, sighted several fishing vessels.

In order to develop a greater understanding of the pattern of life of local seafarers and any concerns they may have about piracy, the Spanish Navy warship’s Commanding Officer tasked his Boarding Team to carry out a ‘Friendly Approach’ visits in the Gulf of Aden.

ESPS Rayo Strengthens Relationships with Local Seafarers

ESPS Rayo’s boarding team approached the dhows, and the Boarding Team was welcomed on board by the masters of the vessels.

During one of the visits, ESPS Rayo’s medical team was able to provide first aid assistance to two seafarers.

ESPS Rayo Strengthens Relationships with Local Seafarers

Since ESPS Rayo commenced operations with the EU Naval Force in December 2014 she had carried out 15 friendly approaches with local seafarers.

ESPS Rayo has now resumed her counter-piracy patrols in the Gulf of Aden, helping to keep merchant ships safer from any potential pirate attacks.

Press Release