HMAS Success Assists Iranian Fishing Vessel


Only three days into tasking on Operation MANITOU and while transiting the North Arabian Sea, South East of Oman, HMAS Success rendered medical assistance to an Iranian fishing vessel.

On 17 December, Success received a distress call from a small dhow in the area reporting their Master was sick and asking for assistance.

Success responded and prepared boarding party teams, along with the ship’s doctor. The vessel was confirmed as a small sambuq fishing dhow displaying an Iranian flag. Twenty-one people were onboard, including the ill member.

After the boarding teams deemed the vessel safe, Success’s doctor, Lieutenant Michael Bonning, embarked the fishing boat and attended to the man.

Success operates as part of Task Force 53, which provides logistic support to coalition navies in the area.

As part of Operation MANITOU, Success is tasked by Joint Task Force 633 to conduct underway replenishments, including vertical replenishments with ships from Combined Maritime Forces, enabling them to remain at sea on task for longer periods.

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Press release, Image: Australian Navy