EURISPES: Italian Navy Wins Public Consent


According to the Institute for Political, Social and Economic studies EURISPES, in 2015 the Italian Navy consent among the Italian population comes first with a 73.5%, 5.8 % more than the previous year, and it still is on the rise.

The Italian Navy innovative concept of “dual use” – meaning military as well as civil capacity – means investing in aircraft carrier Cavour, new highly technological multipurpose patrollers, and the Bergamini and Todaro class Fremm frigates.

ITN Chief-of-Staff, Admiral Giuseppe De Giorgi, thus commented the positive result:

This is the outcome of our men and women’s constant commitment in the past year. The Italian Navy deploys her personnel and assets in a number of operations ranging from social, humanitarian, environmental and scientific activities, besides carrying out her institutional military operations, thus honoring her dual-use vocation. This appreciation strengthen our motivation to do better, but with the same enthusiasm and dedication.

The Research and Development department has the potential to boost the Italian shipbuilding industry, but also to pave the way towards new international markets for the ”Made in Italy” technologies.

According to Eurispes, in terms of environment protection the Italian Navy is one of the most active institutions, the Green Fleet (Flotta Verde) project aims at implementing fuels alternative to petroleum derived ones, such as bio-fuels, and the LNG or liquefied natural gas. These highly technological energy sources will guarantee better performances against a lower environmental impact. At the same time, the Italian Navy will meet the new national and EU requirements in terms of pollutants and green-house effect reduction.

Image: Italian Navy