NAVSTA, USCG Engage in Security Exercise

Training & Education

Naval Station (NAVSTA) Newport security personnel conducted a security exercise, simulating two gunmen opening fire on the U.S. Coast Guard cutter USCGC Willow (WLB 202) and NAVSTA Newport Port Operations at Pier 2, Feb. 4, at 8:50 a.m.

This was the training scenario that was played out on the waterfront at NAVSTA Newport during the Solid Curtain-Citadel Shield (SC-CS) 2015 force protection exercise.

The report of the security training incident prompted a base-wide notification through the “Giant Voice” system and the At-Hoc Alert network, for all employees to shelter in place until further notice.

In the training exercise, the multiple casualties included two deceased Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC) contractors who were working on board the Willow; and five deceased Navy enlisted personnel assigned to NAVSTA Newport Port Operations.

During the nearly six-hour training exercise, the number of deceased rose to nine. Local treatment centers were caring for 5 wounded.

The two gunmen were neutralized by NAVSTA Newport Security personnel during a building search at Port Operations.

NAVSTA Newport’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC) was activated and initial planning objectives were: life safety, facilitate mutual aid response, and preserve the crime scene.

NAVSTA Newport fire and emergency services personnel tagged and treated the mock casualties from the Willow and in the work spaces at Port Operations; and prepared the injured for evacuation to local treatment facilities.

The local NCIS office provided EOC personnel with an informational briefing on how their investigation of the mock shooting incident would proceed.

Intermediate EOC planning objectives included the establishment of an Emergency Family Assistance Center (EFAC) at the Harbor Island Conference Center at NAVSTA Newport.

The exercise was concluded at 2 p.m.

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Image: USCG