BAE, Magma Structures Secure Jobs in Portsmouth


On a visit to Her Majesty’s Naval Base (HMNB) Portsmouth, UK Prime Minister David Cameron announced that BAE Systems and Magma Structures have been chosen as the preferred bidders to occupy the Portsmouth ship hall facilities.

These announcements will further add to the £100 million investment in HMNB Portsmouth that will ensure the city is ready to become the home of the brand new Queen Elizabeth Aircraft Carrier in 2017. Following the Chancellor’s announcement last month, the Prime Minister announced that over £50million of the £100million investment has been awarded to construct the jetty and other port infrastructure, provide high-voltage power and navigational aids necessary to berth these gigantic vessels.

Defence Secretary Michael Fallon said:

Our investment in Portsmouth and the local area will not only give our Armed Forces the capabilities they need, but will sustain thousands of vital jobs across the supply chain and boost growth across the region. By taking forward the proposals from BAE and Magma Structures we will secure skilled jobs in Portsmouth and further strengthen its maritime sector.

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Image: Royal Navy