ESPS Rayo Strengthens Ties with Somali Fishermen


On Monday 16th February, during one of her counter-piracy patrols in the Somali Basin, EU Naval Force Warship, ESPS Rayo, met local fishermen at sea.

Meetings such as this help to develop a greater understanding of the pattern of life of local seafarers and strengthen mutual trust and cooperation.

After ESPS Rayo’s Boarding Team approached a fishing dhow and some skiffs, they were welcomed on board by one of the vessel masters to discuss the situation at sea in the local area.

During the visit, the Spanish Navy crew offered the fishermen food and water. ESPS Rayo’s Medical Team also provided first aid treatment to three fishermen, who had minor injuries.

ESPS Rayo has now resumed her patrol in the Horn of Africa, helping to keep seafarers safe from any potential pirate attack.

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