USS Shoup’s Crew Helps in SRA Works


There is no other statement to better exemplify USS Shoup’s (DDG 86) recent completion of a six month ship’s restricted availability (SRA) maintenance period than the ship’s motto itself, “Through perseverance comes victory.”

Long days and nights were spent working to improve the material condition of the ship. Contractors conducted many equipment and material upgrades to the ship including installation of the MK 38 Mod 2 25mm guns, refurbishment of the helicopter deck and hangar bays, and removal and re-installation of the ship’s exhaust stacks.

However, the crew was vital to not only providing support to these contractor focused events, but the SRA could not have been completed were it not for the myriad jobs screened to the crew for completion.

Nearly the entire interior of the ship was repainted by the crew ensuring corrosion control and material readiness. The crew corrected numerous equipment deficiencies and was instrumental in the removal, maintenance, preservation and re-installation Shoup’s anchors and anchor chains.

Trost said the Sailors did an outstanding job during the availability period and the support they showed is evident. Shoup would not be ready to enter the basic phase of its training cycle to prepare for upcoming exercises, operations, and deployments were it not the hard work of the crew.

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Image: US Navy