USCGC Moray’s Officer in Charge Relieved


Officer in charge of USCG Cutter Moray, Senior Chief Petty Officer Christopher Bouchard, was relieved from his duties on Friday due to loss of confidence in the ability to command.

Final determination regarding a permanent removal or resumption of command is made by the Commandant of the Coast Guard in Washington, D.C.

Lt. Nolan Cuevas, commanding officer of cutter Grand Isle, has assumed temporary command of the cutter. Senior Chief Petty Officer Charles Petronis, remains the current officer in charge of Station Jonesport, Maine.

Bouchard will been temporarily reassigned to Coast Guard Sector Field Office Southwest Harbor, Maine.

Moray is a 87-foot Coastal Patrol Boat homeported in Jonesport, Maine.

Image: Jack Clifford/Shipspotting