USS Blue Ridge Rescues Filipino Fishermen


Sailors stationed on board the U.S. 7th Fleet flagship USS Blue Ridge (LCC 19) rendered assistance to a fishing vessel suffering from mechanical difficulties March 25.

Five Filipino nationals had been fishing at sea when their boat’s motor stalled out, and the vessel was taken out by the current, leaving them adrift for three days with no food.

Blue Ridge watchstanders initially could only make out a small boat and a flag, but once the ship was within three nautical miles of the vessel, they noticed it didn’t appear to be moving and several men were inside.

Blue Ridge deployed a boarding team via rigid-hulled inflatable boat for a rescue and safely brought the five men on board the ship.

Once on board, Blue Ridge’s medical crew provided basic first aid, showers and a change of clothes. The men were found to be suffering from hypothermia and malnourishment among other ailments.

Image: US Navy