HMS Kent Supports Fight against ISIL in the Middle East


Portsmouth-based HMS Kent has been part of the battle group of the USS Carl Vinson as the carrier launches bombing strikes against ISIL forces in the Middle East.

The Type 23 frigate has also been on duty with the French FS Charles de Gaulle carrier strike group during her four months in the Persian Gulf.

Aircraft from both carriers have been conducting daily missions against key ISIL targets as part of the coalition involving more than 60 countries.

The anti-submarine frigate has been protecting the battle group vessels – and more than 7,000 personnel – from threats at sea and from the air.

Commanding Officer, Commander Andrew Block said:

HMS Kent provides a secure bubble of international water to support those fighting in Syria and Iraq.

Charles de Gaulle relies on us to do our job effectively so that she can concentrate on delivering the strikes against ISIL.

HMS Kent’s Lynx helicopter from 815 NAS has been conducting searches by day and night to keep the battle groups safe.

Flight Commander, Lieutenant Eifion Parry said:

Operating at sea in the Northern Gulf is a challenging environment for any aviator, but with two nuclear-powered aircraft carriers both launching and recovering fast jets as well as rotary-wing aircraft in close proximity, it is a busy sky to fly in.

HMS Kent will remain with the battle groups before returning home later in the year.

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Image: Royal Navy