Most Read News, April 13 – 19, 2015


NOAA: USS Independence Wreck “Amazingly Intact”

NOAA, working with private industry partners and the U.S. Navy, has confirmed the location and condition of the USS Independence, the lead ship of its class of light aircraft carriers that were critical during the American naval offensive in the Pacific during World War II.

Sweden’s Intruder Sub Turns Out to Be a Workboat

Sweden reveals that it wasn’t a submarine after all!
Followed by a massive search operation for an unidentified submarine in the Stockholm archipelago in the autumn of 2014, the Swedish Armed Forces now announced that, according to their investigations, this was a false alarm.

Italian Navy to Receive Two More FREMM Frigates after 2020

Orizzonte Sistemi Navali S.p.A., a joint venture between Fincantieri (51%) and Finmeccanica (49%), is to construct the ninth and tenth FREMM frigates, completing the supply of 10 vessels to the Italian Navy.

German Navy Christens Second 125 Class Frigate

The second of a total of four 125 class frigates for the German Navy is to be christened “Nordrhein-Westfalen” today at the Hamburg site of ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems.

Final Farewell to RCN Vessels

Three out of four Royal Canadian Navy vessels will receive a final salute from their current and former sailors, soldiers, airmen and airwomen on their respective coasts this spring and summer.