EUNAVFOR Assists Italian Merchant Vessel


Whilst conducting counter-piracy patrols in the Gulf of Aden, EU Naval Force flagship, ESPS Galicia, responded to a mayday call from an Italian merchant vessel, MV Altina.

The merchant vessel had developed engine problems and was drifting at sea.

ESPS Galicia sailed close to MV Altina to provide protection from any potential pirate attack, whilst spare engine parts were acquired from a Combined Task Force 151 warship that was in the vicinity.

Due to other operational, counter-piracy tasking, ESPS Galicia handed over the protection of MV Altina to EU Naval Force warship, ITS Libeccio. As it was assessed that MV Altina would require specialised, technical assistance in port, ITS Libeccio towed the merchant vessel to the port of Djibouti so that a further inspection and repairs could be carried out.

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