GALLERY: Danish frigate Peter Willemoes joins NATO’s SNMG1


Photos: Sánchez Oller/Spanish Navy

Danish Iver Huitfeldt class frigate Peter Willemoes has recently joined NATO’s Standing Maritime Group One.

The ship met the group at sea and was welcomed by the Commander of SNMG1, Spanish Navy Rear Admiral José E. Delgado.

After the visit was completed, crews of ESPS Álvaro De Bázan and HDMS Peter Willemoes got to know each other through a boarding exercise which saw members of the Danish frigate’s boarding team climb aboard the Spanish flagship.

HDMS Peter Willemoes is the second of three Ivar Huitfeldt-class air defence frigates which are considered to be the most powerful ships in the Royal Danish Navy. The 138-meter ships were built at the Odensee Steel Shipyard, part of Maersk Group, at a cost of US$325M per ship.

The frigates’ armament consists of several different missiles, machine guns, anti-submarine torpedoes and machine guns.