Embark on a virtual tour of a ballistic missile submarine


Most things related to submarines are being kept secret – and that rightly so if they are to be successful at what they are built to do – being stealthy.

After all, it is not called the ‘silent service’ for nothing.

The fact that submarines, unlike their surface counterparts, rarely participate in open-day events does not help in satisfying the navy enthusiast’s curiosity either.

Now, you will not even have to climb down the ladders of a submarine sail to take a thorough look at the insides of a submarine.

The French Navy has created a virtual tour of the Triomphant, one of four nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines in service with the Marine Nationale.

Starting at the topside, the tour leads you to the interior of the submarine and does not stop once you reach the dining area. Yes, you are even given 360 degree view of the missile and torpedo compartments.

Follow the link to check it out yourself: https://visites.colsbleus.fr/visites/snle.html

Footage courtesy of French Navy