Combined Maritime Forces and EU NAVFOR bolster friendship


Rear Admiral Ken Cheong, Commander of Combined Task Force (CTF) 151, recently visited the EU NAVFOR’s operation Atalanta flagship, FGS Bayern in Salalah in the Gulf of Aden.

Radm Cheong, who works for Combined Maritime Forces (CMF), met the Force Commander EU NAVFOR, Radm Jan Kaack, onboard FGS Bayern.

This was the second time both commanders have met since the Maritime Infrastructure Protection Symposium held in Bahrain in April 16.

The meeting between the two senior officers was to enhance their understanding of counter-piracy operations in CMF’s and EU NAVFOR‘s Area of Operations.

The discussions led to a more complete picture of shipping activities and how the different task forces interact. The commanders agreed to boost cooperation, coordination and the exchange of information to achieve their common counter-piracy objectives.

CTF 151 was established in 2009 and is focused on the disruption of piracy and armed robbery in the maritime environment. It also engages with regional and other partners to build capacity and improve relevant capabilities in order to secure freedom of navigation and protect global maritime commerce.