Operation Atalanta flagship FGS Bayern works with Tanzanian Navy


Members of the Tanzanian Navy were welcomed on board FGS Bayern for a day of maritime training with Operation Atalanta sailors and marines, on May 16.

The training focused on fast-roping drills and damage control skills, such as fire-fighting and flood control as sea.

On completion of the training, Atalanta’s Force Commander, Rear Admiral Jan Kaack, together with the Chief of the Tanzanian, Navy Major General Rogastian Shaaban Laswai, highlighted the importance of collaboration and cooperation with naval forces in the fight against piracy.

German Navy’s Brandenburg-class frigate FGS Bayern departed its homebase on March 7 to take part in the EUNAVFOR Operation Atalanta off the Horn of Africa.

The frigate replaced the Italian Navy’s FREMM frigate ITS Carabiniere as the mission flagship.