US Navy calls on industry for Large Displacement Unmanned Undersea Vehicle System info


The U.S. Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division Newport is seeking information to assist the Navy as it performs its role as the lead system integrator for the Large Displacement Unmanned Undersea Vehicle (LDUUV) System.

The Request for Information was issued to help determine the technical and manufacturing capabilities, knowledge, experience level, and qualifications of industry to meet the needs to develop and build a LDUUV System, the Navy center said.

Additional info is also being sought on internal UUV open architecture approaches, propulsion, payloads, launch and recovery and platform integration considerations among other info.

LDUUV is a new class of large-displacement unmanned undersea vehicles that will provide increased endurance, range and payload capabilities. The navy is designing the vehicle for intelligence, surveillance and mine countermeasure missions, and is based on a modular, open architecture that will allow the Navy to develop new mission sets for the craft.

According to the navy, the vehicle will be capable of being stowed, launched and recovered by multiple-host platforms, including littoral combat ships, Virginia-class submarines and Ohio-class guided-missile submarines.