Canadian submarine returns to port after breaking down


Royal Canadian Navy’s Victoria-class submarine HMCS Windsor returned to its homeport in Halifax, Canada after experiencing mechanical issues June 3.

The submarine had been underway for a week, training off Canada’s eastern seaboard.

The problem was caused by a supercharger which broke on one of the generators, CBC news quoted Capt. Jamie Clarke, commander of Canada’s submarine fleet.

RCN said that the sub had back-up systems which would have allowed her to continue training but noted that it would be “prudent to return to Halifax” where thorough investigation and repairs will be conducted.

This is not the first time the submarine has experienced problems as just four months ago HMCS Windsor was forced to dock at Norfolk Naval Base after sailors noticed that a battery cell was leaking.

Back in 2012, the submarine experienced problems with one of the diesel generators that help charge the submarine’s batteries, Ottawa Citizen reported.

Canada bought four Victoria-class submarines from UK in 1998. Various technical problems plagued the submarines ever since they were acquired. One issue even resulted in death when HMCS Chicoutimi caught fire in 2004. Nine sailors sustained injuries in the incident and one died shortly after being evacuated.