Op Atalanta ships train with Seychellois, Djiboutian personnel


Two Operation Atalanta ships, FGS Bayern and ITS Euro, recently trained with the Seychelles Marine Police Unit and the Djiboutian Coastguard, respectively.

Sailors from Operation Atalanta’s German Flagship, FGS Bayern, spent a day working with the Seychelles Marine Police Unit (MPU) during their port visit to the Seychelles,

The German sailors provided training covering a variety of skills. These included boarding, securing a ship’s landing zone and damage control in event of a fire on board.

After leaving the Seychelles, FGS Bayern returned to counter-piracy patrols.

Whilst on her recent port visit to Djibouti, Operation Atalanta’s Italian warship, ITS Euro, took the opportunity to conduct maritime training with the Djiboutian Coastguard.

The crew of ITS Euro trained alongside twenty members of the Djiboutian Coastguard, practising a range of skills, including the classification and defusing of maritime-borne explosives and fire-fighting procedures.

There was also a demonstration on the methods used by Italian Navy boarding teams to stop and search suspect vessels. During the day a joint boarding team, composed of members of the Djiboutian Coastguard and Italian Marines conducted a simulated boarding operation on the Djiboutian Coastguard patrol boat, Damer Jog.