Saab hosts navies for Sea Giraffe radar live demo


Swedish defense technology company Saab recently hosted international experts from navies and industry in Sweden for the third Sea Giraffe user group and a live demo for the new Sea Giraffe 4A.

Around twenty users from countries including Canada, Malaysia, Poland, Sweden, Thailand and the USA gathered to share experiences and feedback.

The participants received tours of Saab’s production facilities in Gothenburg and the Swedish Naval Base in Karlskrona, where they also got to see a Swedish Navy Visby class corvette.

The live demo of Sea Giraffe 4A took place in the Swedish archipelago outside Gothenburg as the group visited the historical fortress Oscar II.

Naval Department Chief of Staff, CAPT (N) Fredrik Palmquist from the Royal Swedish Navy, discussed Sweden’s highly challenging operating environment as he shared his views with the group.

“The security situation in the Baltic Sea is challenging with a lot of merchant traffic, naval vessels and aircrafts but the area itself is also challenging due to its geography and topology. In areas like this it is crucial to have access to sensors and weapons that are designed for use in confined waters,” says Fredrik Palmquist, Chief of Staff, Naval Department, Sweden.

Saab representatives gave an overview of currently deployed systems and new versions being developed and the users from several countries presented their case studies and outlined their operational environments and requirements.