HMCS Charlottetown deploys to Op Reassurance and first international mission since 2012


Royal Canadian Navy frigate Charlottetown departed Halifax June 27 to replace HMCS Fredericton as the Royal Canadian Navy’s designated forward deployed ship.

HMCS Fredericton has been employed on Operation REASSURANCE since January 2016 and is set to return home next week.

HMCS Charlottetown completed the Halifax-Class Modernization/Frigate Life Extension program in June 2014.

The program provided the ship with a new combat management system, a new radar capability, a new electronic warfare system upgrade, upgraded communications and missiles, as well as a new integrated platform management system.

“Our modernized Halifax-class frigates are equipped with state-of-the-art capabilities and a team of highly trained, professional sailors that will integrate seamlessly with their NATO counterparts to ensure mission success with every challenge they face,” said Vice-Admiral Ron Lloyd, Commander RCN.

HMCS Charlottetown will provide Canada the flexibility to execute a range of missions across a broad spectrum of operations in support of allied efforts in the region, including surveillance and monitoring, regional defence, diplomatic engagement and capacity building.

The ship’s mission will also be the third to employ one of the RCN’s enhanced naval boarding parties, a specialized team capable of executing a full range of maritime interdiction operations.

HMCS Charlottetown’s last international deployment was in 2012, when the ship served on Operation METRIC, Canada’s support to enhanced security in the eastern Mediterranean region, and Operation ARTEMIS, Canada’s support to counterterrorism and maritime security in the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden, the Gulf of Oman and the Indian Ocean.