Swedish Navy to modernize two minehunters


Swedish Defence Material Administration (FMV) has contracted Saab to modify and upgrade two Swedish Navy Koster-class mine countermeasures vessels (MCMVs).

According to Saab, the order covers the period 2016-2017 and the order value amounts to SEK147 million. Work on the vessels will be undertaken in Karlskrona.

The contract includes options for additional orders in 2017-2018 amounting to a further SEK139 million, if exercised.

Under the contract, Saab is to provide system modifications and upgrades, upgrade of the propulsion system plus modernisation of CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear) detection and protection capabilities.

“Sweden is a world leader in mine countermeasures. We have a long tradition of constructing mine countermeasures vessels with glass fibre hulls. This material not only gives excellent operational capabilities but also provides high availability and low lifecycle costs,” says Gunnar Wieslander, head of Saab business unit Saab Kockums.

The Koster-class MCMVs are part of a series of vessels launched at Karlskronavarvet during the 1980s. They were modified in the beginning of the 2000s to add new capabilities, including remotely operated vehicles (ROVs).

Along with traditional mine-hunting, sweeping and clearance tasks, the vessels can also assist in anti-submarine operations.