BAE Systems introduces “fault-warning” system for navy ships

Equipment & technology
Photo: BAE Systems
Photo: BAE Systems

British defense company BAE Systems has introduced a new analytical tool designed to warn crews about potential ship faults in real time.

Known as System Information Exploitation, or SIE, the tool is capable of processing ‘big data’ – tens of thousands of equipment data samples per second, according to BAE.

The information is securely sent for assessment and diagnosis from the ship to shore.

BAE said the system has been trialed successfully on board several of the Royal Navy’s Type 45 destroyers and is now due to be installed on HMS Daring as part of the roll-out programme.

The company hopes to install the SIE on all six Type-45 destroyers during 2016 and 2017 and is also looking to integrate the new technology on future platforms including the Queen Elizabeth Class aircraft carriers.

Matt Albans, SIE Innovator at BAE Systems said: “SIE is like having an automated watch-keeper able to record and analyse vast amounts of data on a constant basis. As the system does this in real time, we can identify potential faults and resolve them before they become an operational issue.”

The company further noted that this was the first time that any navy in the world has installed this technology on a warship.